This Article Has Been Medically Reviewed By

Dr. Jennifer Emmett, M.D.

Home Medspa Treating Subtle Skin Flaws with Belotero

May 4, 2017

The beauty of our appearance can be a delicate thing. We mostly worry about major aesthetic issues, like noticeable sagging, deep folds and lines, and volume loss, because these issues are the most obvious.

However, there are also more subtle skin issues that can have a major impact on your appearance. Crow’s feet around the eyes can make you look significantly older. Laugh lines and smile lines can give your face a weathered appearance, and brow wrinkles can give a permanent worried or tired look.

Belotero offers a quick, painless, and long-lasting solution for your subtle skin flaws. This cosmetic injectable can be precisely applied to the problem areas on your face to provide noticeable aesthetic improvements.

Contact us to schedule a consultation. Plastic surgeon Dr. Jennifer Emmett has been expertly trained to deliver beautiful results using Belotero and can provide you with the personalized results you desire.