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Dr. Jennifer Emmett, M.D.

Home Breast Augmentation 5 Myths About Breast Implants Debunked

July 31, 2021

Don’t believe every myth you hear about breast implants. With breast augmentation surgery being one of the most popular forms of plastic surgery, we share 5 myths about breast implants debunked to help inform you if you’re in the decision process.  

Since the creation of breast augmentation surgery, there have been several falsehoods spread about getting breast implants.

The Breast Augmentation and Implant Procedure Explained

Before any surgery can take place, an initial consultation is necessary to ensure the patient is healthy enough to receive breast augmentation surgery.

Once a date has been set for surgery, the patient will come in, undergo the procedure, and then start the recovery process. 

If you’re curious about how the breast augmentation process works, you can learn more about the full procedure.

The Initial Consultation

Before any breast procedure can be done, you must first meet with Dr. Jennifer Emmett M.D. for your initial consultation.

This hour-long consultation is an opportunity for you to discuss your primary motivations for receiving breast augmentation surgery.

Dr. Emmett will do a thorough examination of your previous health history, including previous surgeries, and learning about what medications you’re currently taking.

She will also view before and after photos with you, so you have a realistic expectation of the types of results that are possible.

During this consultation, Dr. Emmett will examine and measure your breasts and have you try different implant cup sizes to find the right fit for your body.

Prior to your consultation, collect a few different clothing items to bring with you during your consultation, so you can try out different cup sizes.

You will also have the opportunity to discuss any risks and complications that can occur during the procedure, and ask Dr. Emmett any further questions you have regarding surgery.

During Breast Augmentation Surgery

You will be placed under general anesthesia to be in a pain-free unconscious state during your hour-long surgery.

Depending on your preferred operative plan, Dr. Emmett will either make incisions around your nipples or in through your armpit. Many factors go into choosing the right operative plan, and depend on your body type and the type and size of the implants being inserted.

Once an incision has been made, the implants are then inserted into the breasts, either above or under the breast tissue. 

Finally, once the implants have been inserted, Dr. Emmett will stitch close the incisions.

5 Myths Surrounding Breast Implants Debunked

Since 1962, when breast implants were invented, there have been misconceptions and fear associated with them. Breast implant technology has come a long way since then and has one of the highest satisfaction rates of any plastic surgery, with 98% of women expressing satisfaction with their results.

Here are the top 5 myths you’ve probably heard, and we’ll explain why they’re simply not true.

1. Breast Implants Need to Be Replaced Often

There’s a misconception that breast implants only last 10 years, and will need to be replaced often. This isn’t true. Today’s breast implants are more durable and longer-lasting than ever before. While breast implants don’t last a full lifetime, it’s not uncommon to see breast implants lasting up to 25 years.

2. Breast Implants Will Make My Boobs Look and Feel Fake

Some women worry that getting breast implants will make their breasts look fake or unnatural. Breast augmentation surgery, when done correctly and appropriately depending on the body type, will give the appearance of natural, full breasts. 

Many women opt to receive breast implants to regain breast symmetry or to make a gentle enhancement to their breast size.

Between the two options, silicone and saline, it’s often been said that silicone more closely resembles the feeling of natural breast tissue, although both implant types have their advantages and disadvantages.

3. It’s Dangerous to Insert Silicone Implants 

Many women fear putting silicone-based implants into their bodies, afraid a rupture can cause the chemical to leak inside their breasts.

For this reason, we use what’s called “gummy bear” silicone implants. These implants use self-binding silicone that doesn’t leak into the surrounding tissue, even in the case of a rupture.

For women concerned about leaking silicone, we also recommend using a saline-based implant that, if ruptured, safely leaks the saltwater solution into the breasts where the liquid is absorbed with no issues. 

4. You Can’t Breastfeed After Implants

While it’s generally advised to get breast implants after you’re done having children, you can still safely breastfeed after receiving implants.

Because breast augmentation surgery doesn’t involve the breast ducts, many women should have no difficulties breastfeeding after implants.

5. Breast Implant Results Are Instantaneous After Surgery

Recovery after a breast augmentation procedure takes anywhere from 6-8 weeks to make. So you’d imagine that your breasts will become full after this time right? Not exactly.

After a full recovery, it normally takes about three months after the surgery for the implants to settle into place and fill out your breasts. This is referred to as “drop and fluff.” 

How to Help the Healing Process After Surgery

Immediately following surgery, your breasts and incisions will be sore, inflamed, and bruised. This is perfectly normal and is part of your body’s natural healing process.

Because your breasts and surrounding skin will be sore during recovery, Dr. Emmett will prescribe you pain medications to help you manage discomfort.

Dr. Emmett will also recommend you wear a post-operative bra following your surgery. These compression bras apply constant pressure to your breasts to reduce swelling and to help stabilize your implants.

During your recovery time, we advise that you do not lift any heavy objects or raise your hands above your head. It’s important not to strain your healing skin. If possible, have a partner help you change out of clothes and help you reach things placed higher up.

Light exercise, such as walking, is permitted. However, no strenuous activities such as jogging or weight lifting are allowed during recovery. It’s important not to disrupt or shift the breast implants before they’re fully healed.

To further reduce swelling and inflammation, you’ll need to sleep on your back during recovery. We recommend purchasing a wedge pillow to prop your body up while sleeping. Sleeping in an upright position will reduce liquid from accumulating and reduce swelling.

How Long is the Healing Process After Surgery?

It takes about 6-8 weeks to recover after breast augmentation surgery. 

After 8 weeks, your breasts and surrounding tissue should be fully healed, and you can begin resuming strenuous physical activity.

Around 3 months after your surgery, your breast implants will finally settle into place, giving you the final results you’ve been waiting to receive.

Schedule Your Breast Implant Consultation Today

Dr. Jennifer Emmett M.D. is a Double-Board certified plastic surgeon serving the Greater Denver Area. She is certified by the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Plastic Surgery and has over 20 years of plastic surgery experience.

Dr. Emmett and her staff specialize in breast augmentation, facial surgery, and body contouring procedures. For more information or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Emmett call (303) 955-7545 today.