This Article Has Been Medically Reviewed By

Dr. Jennifer Emmett, M.D.

Home General Attain Your Ideal Facial Proportions with a Chin Implant

November 15, 2016

If you want to improve the look of your chin by adding volume and definition then a chin implant may be your best solution. Plastic surgeon Dr. Jennifer Emmett has provided her patients with exceptional surgical work in order to help sculpt their ideal face.

During the procedure, a silicon implant will be inserted into the soft tissue of your chin through an incision made under the jawline. The implant is molded to provide the shape of your ideal chin, giving it a more proportional and defined look.

Dr. Emmett is renowned for providing patients with highly personalized procedures and care. Dr. Emmet is dedicated to delivering outstanding results. If you are interested in a chin implant as a way to achieve your ideal facial proportions, contact us today.